Maersk Customized Web Services

Instant, Accurate Shipment Information

From ratings and shipments uploads to tracking and reporting, we provide a variety of customizable web services to fit your specific business needs and system requirements. Our customers and partners can contact your Sales Representative with us to obtain details on how to integrate with our web services.

Tracking API

Webhook Events

Rating/Shipment Entry API

Scheduling API

  • It allows shippers and consignees to schedule their own home delivery and pickup appointments.
  • It provides visibility into allowed appointments for home delivery and pickup shipments.
  • View the Scheduling API documentation

Service Guide API

  • It allows customers to get information about station locations and general service capabilities.
  • The SOAP service provides information on our services between ZIP codes.
  • Customers can find which station is the origin station for any given ZIP code.
  • View the Service Guide API documentation

Label Creation API

  • It allows customers to generate labels and other associated documentation for any given shipment.
  • It can be used to create a self-help integration for customers to generate their own documents.
  • View the Label Creation API documentation

Embeddable URLs

  • These URLs can be embedded in customer communications for both tracking and scheduling.
  • You can use links to direct customers into our Online Scheduler and Tracking webpages.
  • View the Embeddable URLs documentation

Learn more about our customized Web Services and what you can do for your business by calling 1-800-447-4568. You can also discuss the usage of our web services with your designated Sales Representative.

We now offer web-service information directly on your CoPilot account. Once logged into your CoPilot account, navigate to Settings > Web Services to find out more.